Health Coaching One on One

One on One Sessions 


  • Choose this option if you need a nudge in the right direction and help keeping on track initially? Or maybe you feel a bit apprehensive about committing to a longer timeframe so you would rather dip your toe into health coaching?

    • Complimentary and obligation-free 30 minute sample session to ensure this is right for you

    • 3 x 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions

    • Unlimited email/text support in between for when you need it most

    •  Plan for the month

    • 1 month 

The Game Changer

  • Do you know you need help with your health but aren’t sure where to start? Are you ready to commit to taking back control of your health but know you will need help establishing the changes? The Game Changer is for you.

    • Complimentary and obligation-free 30 minute sample session to ensure this is right for you

    • 3 x 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions per month

    • Unlimited email/text support in between for when you need it most

    • Plan that we will update regularly to ensure you stay on track.

    • 3 months

The Life Changer

  • Do you know you have room to improve in multiple areas but don’t know how to do it? Have you repeatedly fallen off the wagon when trying to improve your health before? The Life Changer will literally change your life for the long term. 

    • Complimentary and obligation-free 30 minute sample session to ensure this is right for you

    • 3 x 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions per month

    • Unlimited email/text support in between for when you need it most

    • Plan that we will update regularly to ensure you stay on track.

    • 6 months

Book A Complimentary 15 min Discovery Session Below